Exam Routine of BCA 3rd Semester, BBM 1st Semester and BBS 1st Year
Some Important Exam Rules:
1. Students should arrive at the college at least 15 minutes before the start of the scheduled examination.
2. Bring a valid form of identification, such as a student ID card and admit card.
3. Bring only the materials allowed for the exam, such as pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, and any permitted reference materials orcalculators
4. Using mobile phone and smart watch during exam time is strictly prohibited.
5. Sit at the designated seat assigned by the invigilator
6. Raise your hand if you need clarification on any question or instruction.
7.Permitted to use the washroom after one hour from the start of the exam so raise your hand to get the attention of an invigilator.
8. Students taking pre-board exams are not permitted to leave the class until at least two hours and for the 1st terminal until at leastan hour have elapsed from the start of the exam.
9. Attendance for exams is mandatory. If you are absent or failed without a valid reason, you may be subjected to a fine as per ourcollege policy and you are required to attend a re-exam.
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